Richard Ligthart,
MBA, Alliant Intl. University, CA;
MA in Biblical & Theological Studies, Wheaton College Graduate School, inclusive of Koine Greek.
Rick is denominational ordained pastor, author, and edifier, specializing in personal, ministerial, and ecclesiastical renewal through applied Biblical Theology. Following 20+ years in education and corporate experience Rick ha served churches as Senior Pastor and also as Executive Director / President of para-church ministries.
Rick's decades of leadership experience in corporate and ecclesial para-church ministry improvement and turnaround is well established.
His focus on "Applied Biblical Theology" and dedication to teaching and research provide attendees with insight to faith, understanding with the goal of constructing a Biblical Theological Faith life supplementing a church life or building on a life that has no church or Christian teaching.
Holding A Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies from Wheaton College Graduate School (including thesis) he has been trained in Exegesis, Hermeneutics, Textual Studies and Criticism, Interpretation, OT / NT Theology, Systematic Theology, Intertestamental Judaism, Ecclesial History, Life and Teachings of Jesus, and Koine Greek.
He invites learned presenters to edify their topics of expertise to attendees of A Gathering of 2 or 3.
Rick s an associate member of the Evangelical Theological Society and has researched, written, and presented at regional meetings titled:
Addressing the Ethical and Moral Descent of Christian Leadership:
Why Church and Academy Must Reach Beyond the Bible to Theology
What Would Jesus and Paul Be Teaching about Justice in today’s
21st Century Church?
Political and Religious Economic Factors in First-Century Jerusalem
as a Background for Understanding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Sexually Astray Sheep and Shepherds: The Academy’s Restorative
Role - Applying Biblical Theology to Ministry of Sexual unholiness and
its Consequences
Separation and Divorce in the 21st Century: A Fresh Look at Jesus’
and Paul’s 1st Century Words (Synopsis: A morphological, exegetical,
and lexical word study of four N.T. Koine Greek words
transliterated: apoluo, apheimi, chorizo, and apostacion.)
Rick is the author of, Those with Ears to Hear...all that Jesus commanded them: A Reference Commentary on the Greek Imperative Mood Usage of Jesus.
Rick and wife Donna reside in Lemont, IL.