Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Mt 18: 20
Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Mt 18: 20
Theology, Biblical Theology, Historical Theology, Pastoral Theology, Systematic Theology, New Testament Theology, Old Testament Theology, Pauline Theology, Soteriology, Dispensation vs Covenant Theology, Doctrinal Theology, Pneumatology, Eschatology, Hamartiology, Ecclesiology.
Canon Formation, Differences between Roman and Protestant Bibles, Translation Philosophies, Word-for-Word (Essentially Literal, Formally Equivalent, Verbatim) vs. Thought-for-Thought (Dynamically Equivalent,Functionally Equivalent, Paraphrase), Translations vs. Paraphrase Bibles. Septuagint, Genres, Books, Inter-testament Books, Apocrypha, The Biblical Canon: Selection, Order, Criteria, Textual Criticism, Inerrancy, Infallibility, Critical Texts, Critical Analysis.
Exegesis, Eisegesis, Context, Contextual Hermeneutics, Historical Hermeneutics, Contemporary Hermeneutics, Exposition, Presuppositions, Subjective vs Objective, Goal of Hermeneutics, Difference between Roman and Protestant 10 Commandments, Biblical Translations vs Biblical Interpretations
Extant, Codex, Majuscule, Minuscule, Manuscripts, Papyrus, Parchment, Velum, Papyri, Scroll, Uncial, Codex Alexandrinus, Codex Bezae, Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus, Codex, Sinaiticus, Codex Vaticanus, Textus Receptus, Nestle-Aland, Westcott-Hort, Editions, Scholarship, Critical Texts, Critical Analysis,
Jewish and Hellenistic Judaism, Ancient Jewish Exegesis, Qumran Community, Rabbinic Judaism, Apostolic, Patristics, Alexandrian, Origin Exegesis, Syrian School of Antioch Exegesis, Midi-evil Exegesis, Reformation, Lutheran Exegesis, Post-Reformation, Calvinistic Exegesis, Modern, 19th C, 20th C, Post WW I, Post WW II, Liberal Modern Hermeneutics.
Koine Greek Language, Attic Greek, Language Evolution, Greek Morphology, Greek Etymology, Greek to English, Nouns (nominative, accusative), Verbs (Active, Middle, Passive, Pluperfect Perfect, Imperfect, Aorist, Present, Future.), Case, Number, Gender, Moods (Imperative, Indicative, Subjunctive), Participles, Greek Philosophy, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Hellenism.
English Translations: English Standard Version (ESV), New American Standard Bible (NASB), New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), New King James Version (NKJV), Christian Standard Version (CAB); English Paraphrases: New International Version (NIV), New Living Translation (NLT), New English Translation (NET), The Message (MSG); Bibles with Apocrypha: Common English Bible (CEB), New Jerusalem Bible, (NJB), New Revised Standard Version w/Apocrypha (NRSV,A)
Literary Criticism, Literary Context, Historical/Cultural Background, Word Meanings Past and Present, Word Studies, Grammatical / Historical Methodology, Prose, Poetry, Rhyme, Meter, Structure, Parallelism, Languages, Imagery, Genres, Law, Prophecy, Woe Speech, Wisdom Books, Proverbs, Disputations, New Testament Genres, Trustworthiness, Parables, Miracles, Gospels, Synoptic Gospels, Johanine Books, Pronouncement Stories, Epistles, Pauline Epistles, Non-Pauline Epistles, Revelation, Apocalyptic Literature,
Dogmas, Doctrines, Errors, Heresies, Apostasy, Excommunication, European Divisions, 30 Years War, Peace of Westphalia, Henry the VIII, English and Romanism, Ireland and Romanism / Protestantism, Holland and Romanism, William of Orange, Spanish Inquisition, Calvin and Servets and Gruet, Luther, Worms, Zwingli,
Creeds: Nicene Creed, Athanasius Creed, Apostles Creed,
Confessions: Augsburg (Lutheran) 1530, Belgic (Reformed) 1561, Thirty-nine Articles (Church of England, Anglican / Episcopalian) 1571, Westminster (Presbyterian) 1647, Waldensian (Reformed) 1655, Savoy (Congregational) 1658, Second London / Philadelphia (Baptist) 1689, Articles of Religion (Methodist) 1784.
Council of Jerusalem 48, Council of Nicaea 325, Council of Constantinople 381, Council of Carthage 397 - 398, Council of Ephesus 449, Council of Chalcedon 451, Council of Trent 1545,
What is believed, What is not believed, Church Statements of Faith, Ministry Statements of Faith, Christian Organization Statements of Faith, Education Institution Statements of Faith, Family Statements of Faith, Individual Statements of Faith
Atheism, Agnosticism, Amillenialism, Asceticism, Augustinianism, Arminianism, Buddhism, Calvinism, Catholicism, Confessionalism, Criticism, Denominationalism, Dispensationalism, Docetism, Dualism, Ecumenism, Exclusivism, Existentialism, Foundationalism, Fundamentalism, Gnosticism, Humanism, Inclusivism, Islamism, Judaism, Kenoticism, Liberalism, Lutheranism, Marxism, Memorialism, Methodism, Millennialism, Monasticism, Monotheism, Mysticism, Neo-Platonism, Nihilism, Nominalism, Panentheism, Pantheism, Patripassianism, Paedobaptism, Pelagianism, Pentacostalism, Pietism, Pluralism, Polytheism, Postmillennialism, Premillennialism, Protestantism, Reconstructionism, Relativism, Revivalism, Romanticism, Sacerdotalism, Scholasticism, Shintoism, Subjectivism, Syncretism, Taoism, Theism, Trichotomism, Tritheism, Unitarianism, Universalism, Wesleyenism.
Errors, Heresy, Apostasy, Corrections, Excommunication, Repentance to Restoration
Orthodox Jew, Hasidim Jew, Reformed Jew, Conservative Jew, Kabbalah Jew; Tanakh, The Mishnah, Pseudepigrapha, Intertestamental Writings; Biblical Sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, Zeolots
A historical view of music and faith. Music genres throughout Post-Biblical History. Worship wars: traditional, contemporary, a cappella, choral, baroque, chants, Gregorian chants, praise, worship, gospel, drama, dance, meditative, hymns, pop, rap, blues, Christian Rock, Pop, Wesley, Luther,
Family, Marriage, Husband, Wive, Father, Mother, Children, Teens, 20's, 30's, Singleness, Widowhood, Senior Issues, Divorce, Adultery, Abandonment, Children, Sexuality, Chastity, Medical Care, Psychology, Sociology, Global Ethics, Community Ethics, Economic Ethics, Moral Reasoning,
Nation Founders, Johnathon Edward, Wesley Brothers, D.L. Moody, Billy Sunday, Great Awakenings, George Whitfield, Holiness Movement, Pietism, Temperance, Abolition, Women's Rights, Charles Finney, G.K. Chesterton, Billy Graham,
Love, Justice, Peace, Humanity, Sin, Consequential Biblical Affirmations of God, Consequential Worldly Affirmations of God, Ethics, Morals, Practical, New Testament Ethics, Old Testament Ethics, Sexuality, Psychotherapy, Health, Death, Medical Care, Global Ethics, Economic Ethics, Moral Reasoning, Apologetics, Marriage, Adolescence, Labor, Parenting, Husbandry, Wifery, Fatherhood, Motherhood, Sibling Relations,
Virtues, Ethics, Moral, Mores, Norms, Just War Theory, Homicide, Genocide, Suicide, Infanticide, Marriage, Vows, Oaths, Divorce, Abandonment, Adultery, Sodomy, Gender Roles, Creation Care, Race, Politics, Prayer, Justice, Sexual Immorality, Personal Consequences, Relational Consequences, Communal Consequences,
Acknowledging Sin, Confessing Sin, Repenting Sin, Restitution for sin, Forgiveness of Sin, Restoration from sin, Reconciliation following sin; Church Teachings and Errors. Death, Deaths, Resurrection, Resurrections,
Biblical Justification, Regeneration, Faith, Salvation, Sanctification, Pursuit of Holiness, Glorification, Infusing, Imparting, Anti-nomianism, Atonement, Propitiation, Expiation, Mercy Seat, Ark of the Covenant, Wrath, Order of Salvation,
Preterism, Partial Preterism, Idealism, Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, Amillennial-ism, Post-tribulation-ism, Pre-tribulation-ism, Mid-tribulation-ism, Purgatory, Bosom of Abraham, Paradise, Heaven, Hell, Hades, Sheol, Tartarus, Gehenna, Hinnom, Annihilation-ism, Eternal Security, Purgatory Views, Waiting, Once Saved Always Saved, Eternity, Levels of Heaven, Parousia, Came, Comes, Comings, Future Comings, Rapture, Caught up in the air, Context, Prophecy and Eschatology.
Faith and Reason, Miracles, Evil, Holiness, Creation, Evolution, Life after Death, Eternity of Life, Heaven, Heavens, Earth, World, Ground, Hell, Existence of God, Defending Faith, Offending Faith.
Seeker Sensitive, Worship Oriented, Preaching Focused, Discipleship Centered, Youth Intensive, Teen Intensive, Experiential Concentrated, Existential Motivated, Emotive Driven, Social Leaning, Sacramental Fixated, Major Liturgical, Moderate Liturgical, Mild Liturgical, Program Centered, Communal Internal Driven, Community External Driven, Traditional, Contemporary, Missional, Ecumenical Motivated, Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Healing-Miracles-Tongues, Liberation Theological Focused, Eschatological Dispensation Focused, Internal (Sanhedrin) Type, External (Pharisaical) Type, Membership Driven, Service Driven,
Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelical: Analysis and Comparisons, Episcopacy, Presbyterian, Congregational, Polity, Non-denominational governance.
Dogmas, Doctrines, Interpretation Differences, Scripture Alone, Scripture and Tradition, Communion Differences, Baptism Differences, Sacrament Differences, Discipline Differences, Forgiveness, Pastor vs. Priest, Grace / Works Differences, Errors, Heresies, Apostasies, Salvation Differences, Death Differences, Jesus Differences, Gifts Differences, Biblical Differences, Inductive vs Deductive Interpretation, Excommunication Methodology, Revelation Differences, Tithing and Giving Differences, Sovereignty Views, Eschatological Differences,
First, Second, Denominational-ism - Differences and Similarities, Catholicism, Grace, Assembly, Brethren, Orthodox, Ecclesial, Presbyterianism, Congregationalism, Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic,
Elders, Deacons, Sessions, Pastors, Priests, Leadership, Ecclesiology, Church Discipline, Church Failure, Congregation Departure, Financial Disclosure, Mission Funding, Payroll, Levites, Episcopal, Presbyter,
Great Schism - What split Roman Catholics from the Orthodox in 1054?
Reformation - What split Protestants from Roman Catholics in mid 1500's?
Evangelicalism - What split Evangelicals from Protestantism 1800 and 1900's?
Why so many churches, denominations, and non-denominations?
Why so many different beliefs? Who is my brother or sister?
Independents: Evangelical, Harvest, Bible, Church of Christ, Christian Church, Various
Anabaptist: Plymouth Brethren, Brethren, Mennonite, Quakers, Christian Missionary Alliance
Southern Baptists, Northern Baptists, Baptist General, General Baptist, Missionary Baptist, National Baptist, Primitive Baptist, Berean Baptist, Independent Baptist
Assembly of God, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Nazarene, Wesleyan, African, Free, Southern, United, Methodist
Presbyterian: Presbyterian Church of the United States of America (PCUSA), Presbyterian Church of America (PCA), Bible Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterians, Orthodox Presbyterian, Evangelical Presbyterian, Covenant Presbyterian
Reformed: Christian Reformed, Dutch Reformed, Reformed Church of America, American Reformed, Reformed Church of the USA
Luther Synods: Missouri, Wisconsin, Evangelical, American Lutheran
Anglicanism: Episcopal, American, African, Orthodox, Reformed
An overview of World Religions vs. Biblical Theological Faith in Jesus.
What happened in AD 70? The Fall of Jerusalem, The Fall of the Temple. Philo, Eusebius, Josephus, Tacitus, Presence Parousia
Council of Nicaea, Council of Chalcedon - Their importance to Christianity
Understanding the Eastern Church (Orthodox) and Western Church (Roman Catholicism) division. Who split from whom? Ramifications and Consequences.
Diet of Worms, English Act of Supremacy, Henry the VIII, Jesuits, Spanish Inquisition, William of Orange, Queens - Kings - Faith - Money - and Power, 30 Years War - Peace of Wesphalia
Piety and separatism. Consequences for Faith and Church in America
Jesus Believers in the 10 / 40 Window, Jesus Believers in China, Jesus Believers in Africa, Jesus Believers in Russia, Jesus Believers in Muslim Countries, Jesus Believers in Israel, Jesus Believers in the Mid-East, Jesus Believers under Communism, Marxism, Nazism, Fascism, and Socialism; Jesus Believers in South and Central America, Jesus Believers in Canada, Jesus Believers in the United States
Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, Noah's Family, Abraham, Lot, Laban, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, Esau, Rachael, Abimelech, Joseph, Reuben, 12 Tribes, , Judah, Tamar, Moses, Pharaoh, Jethro, Aaron,
Jesus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Peter, Disciples, Herod, Pilate, John the Baptist, Judas, Paul, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, James, Jude,
Roman Emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Ortho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus, Domitian; Apostolic Fathers: Justin, Irenaeus, Clement, Origin, Ignatius, Polycarp, Eusebius, Athanasius, Basil, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, John Chrysostom, Cyril, Philo, Eusebius, Josephus,
Benedict, Charlemagne, Gregory the Great, Leo, Thomas Aquinas, Constantine, ...
Martin Luther, Charles V, Erasmus, Zwingli, ...
Henry VIII, John Calvin, John Edward, ...
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