Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Mt 18: 20
Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Mt 18: 20
Below are titles and brief descriptions of each PowerPoint (PP) chronically listed beginning with the most recent. If you would like any PP just call, text, or email me, Rick Ligthart, and I will forward to you. Each PP contains 30 to 50 slides including images, appropriate scripture, outline form at, and content topic.
100 AG23, 2024 Fall Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussion from sessions 89 - 100.
99 God's OT Anger / Jesus' NT Anger: A Biblical Theological Study II, Rick Ligthart , MA Wheaton: Examples of Jesus' anger in the NT. Why Jesus' anger? Results of Jesus' anger. Purpose for Jesus' anger. Seven hates that riles God's anger. Greek words for anger: orges and thumoi; Jesus' anger examples: Temple, Separating People, Rebuking Scribes and Pharisees, Separating Belief from Unbelief, Ananias Sapphira, Evil Kings and the Rich, Corruption the Young, Hardness of Heart. Meaning of "be angry and do not sin." Jesus' "woe" statements. Differences between a Sadducee and a Pharisee. Epistle "woe" statements. Revelation "woe" statements. Revelation - wrath of the lamb. Be "slow" to anger. Satisfying God's anger. Clarification and application of Propitiation and Expiation. Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. Jesus resolved Man's sin and God's wrath. C.H. Dodd - The wrath of God is merely symbolic of the fact that sin has consequences.
98 God's OT Anger / Jesus' NT Anger: A Biblical Theological Study I, Rick Ligthart , MA Wheaton: Examples of God's anger in the OT. Why God's anger? Results of God's anger. Purpose for God's anger. The Fall, Flood, Sodom/Gomorrah, Gold Calf, Manna Complaints, Kora's Rebellion, Moses Struck Rock, Aachen Took Spoils, David's Census, Uzzah Touched Ark, Idolatry of Northern Kingdom; God is jealous because he wants to protect and knows infidelity in harmful. God protects from External and Internal destruction. God is sorrowful over disobedience and ignorance and the heartbreak he must bring. Six Sequence Pattern. Why destroy everything? - He-rem to render harmless anything that can imperil the religious / spiritual life of the nation.
97 Review / Discussion: THE LOST WORLD OF THE PROPHETS, Rick Ligthart , MA Wheaton: PP centers around Dr. John Walton's material, THE LOST WORLD OF THE PROPHETS.
96 THE LOST WORLD OF THE PROPHETS, Dr. John Walton, Wheaton Emeritus; Author
Dr. Walton provides a PP summary of his book THE LOST WORLD OF THE PROPHETS.
95 Intro. to Dr. John Walton's: THE LOST WORLD OF THE PROPHETS, Rick Ligthart , MA Wheaton: This PP is an introductory primer to the 5 major and 12 minor Prophets. The difference between "foretelling" and "forth telling" is clarified. The problem of interpreting the prophets in three different ways: 1. internal destiny of that time 2. messianic 3. eschatological. Prophecy classification. Answer the questions, What makes a prophet? What makes a false prophet? Just because someone has a mouth or a microphone does not make a prophet. Prophets as authors. From prophecy to book creation. God's various deliverance methods to his chosen prophets.
94 Heaven, Heaven, Earth, World II , Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Before there was light, there was darkness. There was no shape and no form to the earth, only wind of deep water called the abyss. After that, then there was light Gn 1: 2. Clarified the meaning and location of the "firmament" and God naming the "firmament" heaven. Description of what happened on Day Two of creation. Paramount to understand ancient cosmology before contemporary interpretation. Firmament is defined as "the expanse of sky surrounding the earth" - Douglas / Tenney. The differences of Ancient Cosmology and Modern Cosmology. The Hebrew meanings of "earth." Day 3 God called the dry land earth meaning ground for growing plants. In contrast the Greek word οἰκουμένη means "inhabited land." What was the whole world in their day? Discussed the earth's longevity citing numerous scripture. God's plan for humanity from Genesis is to "protect" and "grow" the garden of the earth, Gn 2: 15.
93 Heaven, Heavens, Earth, World I, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Clarifying Heaven and Heavens. Ministrations of Heaven and Heavens. Hebrew plural heavens - Gn 1: 1. Study from Greek lexicons (Friberg, Gingrich, Danker) of "ouranos" (heaven). Heaven and Kingdom are not synonymous. Heaven defines space. Kingdom defines ethic or reign of God. Levels of heaven from Jesus, Paul, and 2 Enoch. Imperative commands in the Lord's Prayer. Jesus has passed through the heavens Hb 4: 14. "Heavens declare" Ps 19: 1; 97: 6. In Revelation 21:1 John saw and new heaven and earth but not a new Kingdom.
92 Kingdom Entering, Heaven, & Earth Intro, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Explanation of what is meant by "enter" or "exit" the KoG. Clarification on the differences between "Salvation" and "Kingdom of God" and their order. Additional scripture on how to "enter" and "exit" the KoG. Can we do the works Jesus did? Clarifying "greater works" in Jn 14:12. "Hearing and doing" / "rock and sand" from Mt 7: 24 - 27. Being "fit for the KoG" by not looking back. Not everyone can be a disciple - renouncing all. People see works of people. Clarifying "well keep" from Jn 14: 15 and "do" from Jn 15: 14. The book of James and his view of "works." Luther and the book of James. What are "kingdom ethics"? Nine different "good news" references.
91 Kingdom of God III: Entering / Exiting the Kingdom, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Keys of the Kingdom (Mt 16; 15 - 19) explained within a temporal context. Parable of the Wicked Tenants. How to "enter and "exit" the KoG. The difference between Salvation and the KoG. Salvation entrance by grace through faith. Kingdom entrance by producing fruits of the Kingdom. Seeing or perceiving the Kingdom is to see or perceive through God's eyes. The greatest enemy of the Kingdom of God is our ignorance.
90 Kingdom of God II: Historical Views / Church, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Mt 25: 31-34 is cited establishing that the KoG existed before and from creation. Detailed analysis of the Greek text of Mt 6: 33 is presented with analysis of numerous translation anomalies / mistranslated from Greek to English. "These things" from Mt 6: 33 is clarified. The KoG serves and the "bookend" for the Beatitude of Mt 5: 1-11. Neither Peter, church, or man can first bind or loose, as any binding or loosening is first from above. Four "man-made Kingdom inhibitors" are: Jesus not yet King, K belongs to Israel, Kingdom awaits the return of Jesus, and Kingdom and Church are synonymous. The Kingdom was taken from the Temple aristocracy and given to those who produce Kingdom fruits which are doing the will of the Father.
89 Kingdom of God I: Foundations, Rick Ligthart , MBA, MA Wheaton: Key OT and NT scriptures are cited to begin discussions on the KoG with particular focus on Jesus and the KoG. The absoluteness of being born again to be able to see or perceive the KoG is emphasized. Translation variances are highlighted affirming that the KoG is not created for indwelling humans as only the Holy Spirit is purposed with indwelling. The KoG exists outside of the body and is to be sought. The KoG existed prior to creation, as the KoG is God's rule and reign. Jesus' purpose was the Kingdom's proclamation. There are those who "shut out" the Kingdom from themselves and others through disbelief and teaching disbelief in the KoG.
88 AG23, 2024 Spring Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussion from sessions 77 - 88.
87 Bible Translating for Curious Muslims, Wayne, LIS International Bible Translation Consultant: Sharing The Bible with Muslims; A Foreigner's View of American Christianity and the American Christian; Why Contextualization is Paramount to Teaching, Context vs Indigenous; Dragons are good - Revelation; Book Covers Matter; Book Layouts Matter; Who are "People of the Book" in context? Know Faith Historical Timelines;
86 Usury, Interest, Borrowing, Bondage: Give and Receive, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Describing Debt & Borrowing; Borrower and Lender Bondage; Four Debt Entities: Government Debt, Corporate Debt, Commercial Debt, Personal Debt; Usury - Unscrupulous Lending; Meaning of Yield; Why Christians Lend; Planned Lending;
85 Tithes and Offerings: Who to give to? How much? When? and Why?, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton; Generosity Options; Have a Generosity Strategy that Glorifies God; Categories: Tithes, Offerings, Sacrifices, Gifts, Giving; Robbing God; Understanding "First Fruits," Generosity Makes Something Better; Blessing Others as a Surprise, 501c3, Non-Profit, 501c4; Tracking Benevolence;
84 Protecting / Securing What God has Provided, Ray Shimizu, Financial Ark: Gn 2: 6 - work your garden and keep (protect / secure) your garden; 1. Life Insurance 2. Health Insurance 3. Disability Insurance 4. Long Term Care Insurance 5. Annuities 6. Metals; Managing Inflation; Managing Up and Downs; Leave a Legacy; Do NOT Fear; Get Advice; From Gloom to Joy;
83 Investing / Growing What God has Provided, Mike Larson MBA, Trinity College: Matured Christians Invest, Shalom, Investing Relationship, Interest Rates, Equities and Ownership, Technical and Fundamental Analysis; Stocks / Options / ETFs / Mutual Funds / Commodities / Bonds / Money Markets / Futures / Metals / Real Estate / Art / Collectables; Investing God's Blessings
82 Biblical Theology of Generosity: Planned Giving, Dennis Gorske; Dynamis Ministries: What Jesus said about Money and Generosity; From Pride to Gratitude; From Coveting to Contentment; From Anxiety to Trust; From Indifference to Love; Make a Plan;
81 Striving Through Grief: Life Healing, Kathy Wellman, MA: 1. Everyone Grieves Differently 2. Factors Affecting Grief 3. Interactions 4. Changing Relationships 5. Secondary Losses 6. Grief Ambushes and Firsts 7. Anger 8. Regrets and Guilt 9. Forgiveness 10. Getting Unstuck from Grief,
80 A Biblical Theology of: Life After Death II, Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: NT Influences of Greek Hellenism during the Intertestamental period and NT era authors and life after death; the significance of the resurrection of Jesus and the resurrection of the dead from Mt 27: 52-53; Chronological stages of the resurrection of the dead.
79 A Biblical Theology of: Life After Death I, Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: Monism, Dichotomism, Trichotomism, and Holistic Dualism within the OT context of life after death; Chronological stages of the resurrection of the dead.
78 Theology of Miracles: Meaning Jesus' NT Miracles II, Rick Ligthart: miracles number approximately 40 in the 4 Gospels and 27 in the NT Epistles. This presentation covers the theology and contextual and contemporary meaning of NT miracles.
77 Theology of Miracles: Meaning of OT Miracles I, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: miracles number approximately 87 OT. This presentation covers the theology and contextual and contemporary meaning of OT miracles.
76 AG23, 2023 Fall Series Summary - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussions from sessions 66 - 76.
75 Israel, The Land, Borders, Rivers, Seas - Don Wilson, Specialist: The land and neighboring countries; 12 Jewish Tribes; 12 Islamic Tribes; Water: Dead Sea, Sea of Galilee, Jordan River, Mediterranean Sea; Olive Trees and Grafting; The Temple Mount: Past and Present;
74 Feasts of the Lord III, Lawrence Grout, Specialist / Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: Applying the feast of the Lord to a Christian life. Timing of the feasts to postulate that Jesus was Conceived 25 Dec 6BC, Born 26 Sep 5BC, Crucified 28 Apr 28 AD.
73 Feasts of the Lord II, Lawrence Grout: Fall Feasts: 5. Trumpets (Yom Teru'ah) - Tishri 1 Sept / Oct 6; Atonement (Yom Kippur) - Tishri 10 Sept / Oct; 7. Tabernacles (Sukkot) - Tishri 15-22 Sept / Oct; *8. Festival of Lights (Hanukkah) - Kislev 25 Dec / Jn 10:22-23
72 Feasts of the Lord I, Lawrence Grout, Specialist: Spring Feasts: 1. Passover (Pesach) - Nisan 14 Mar / Apr; 2. Unleavened Bread (Chag Hamatzot) - Nisan 15-22 Mar / Apr; 3. First Fruits ( Yom Habikkurim) – Nisan 16 Mar / Apr; 4. Weeks/Pentecost (Shavot) – Sivan May / Jun
71 Albania and Biblical Theology - Fabi Evanaj, Pastor: Biblical Theology in Albania; The influences of: Communism, Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Secularism, Government Intrusion, Judaism, Albanian Culture, US, Russia, Islam, Atheism, Bible Translations, Ontology/Teleology, Eschatology, Kingdom of God, Globalism, Immigration, and Church.
70 Eschatology Synthesizing Eschatologies - Dr. John Noe', PhD: Dr. John Noe' presented a methodology toward synthesizing four historic interpretive views of Eschatology: Historicism, Idealism, Futurism, and Preterism. Synthesizing all four creates harmony and unity.
69 Eschatology Preparation for John Noe' - Rick Ligthart: Books by John Noe;: Unraveling the End and The Greater Jesus; Basics to understanding how to scholarly discuss eschatology;
68 Eschatology Dispensationalism and Preterism - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Futurism developed from Dispensationalism; Their World was not Our World; History and Formation of Dispensationalism; Spread of Futurism; Secular Media Spread of Futurism; Fear Sells;
67 Eschatology and Two Date Theories - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Dating of Revelation: Early Date Vs Later Date; 8 June 68AD Death of Nero; Influence of Irenaeus; Mistranslated of Lk 12: 40 error in use of English Future Tense: will come vs comes; Rv 17: 10-12 - 7 Kings; "Soon" in context; Age of John; This Generation in context; Temple Dimensions; Sodom / Egypt / Babylon: Metaphors for Jerusalem; Olivet Discourse not in book of John; Abomination of Desolation; No End of the World passages in Scripture;
66 Eschatology and Revelation Dating - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Dispensationalism's Influence on Eschatology; Scofield - 7 dispensations; =Millennial Views: Pre, Post, A: Tribulation Views: Pre, Post, Mid; 1 Th 4: 14: Caught Up vs Caught Up, Air vs Air, Clouds vs Glory; How many comings of Jesus?; Why the dating of Revelation matters to Eschatology;
65 Eschatology, An Introduction - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: An Overview of four basic historical views are presented: Historic, Idealism, Futurism, and Preterism; Interpretive methods are identified that can sway beliefs; Ontological vs Teleological Influences; Ends of Ages; Age vs World; KJV influence upon end of the world; Greek Insight: Eschatos meaning Last; Telos meaning End; End of what?; Context of Apocalyptic Genres; Revelation meaning unveiling, not destruction; Some Study Bibles Contain Eschatological Sway;
64 AG23, 2023 Spring Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussion from sessions 53 - 64.
63 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation III - Dr. Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: An overview of scholarly methods for interpreting the Bible; Hermeneutics;
62 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation II - Dr. Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: An overview of scholarly methods for interpreting the Bible; Hermeneutics;
61 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation I - Dr. Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: An overview of scholarly methods for interpreting the Bible; Hermeneutics;
60 Emotional Intelligence in Bible Characters III Women - Dr. Ron, PhD and Kathy Wellman, MA: Some EI, CD, EL, EC examples of Biblical Women: 1 Sarai/Sarah 2 Rebekah 3 Hannah 4 Ruth 5 Martha
59 Emotional Intelligence if Bible Characters II - Dr. Ron, PhD and Kathy Wellman, MA: Some EI, CD, EL, EC examples of Biblical Men: 1 Abram/Abraham 2 Jacob 3 Joseph 4 David 5 Peter
58 Emotional Intelligence in Bible Characters I - Dr. Ron, PhD and Kathy Wellman: Overview of Emotional Intelligence (EI); Life Change Effects of EI, Maturity and EI; Cognitive Dissonance (CD); Emotional Labor (EL); Emotional Contagion (EC); 1 Abram/Abraham & Sarai/Sarah 2 Rebekah & Jacob 3 Joseph & Hannah 4 David & Ruth 5 Peter & Martha
57 Christian Responsibilities toward God - Rick Ligthart: An overview of Faith, Knowing, Remembering, Magnifying, Loving, Communicating , Pursuing, Obeying, and Enjoying God; Multiple passages are referenced.
56 The Temple and Christianity - Don Wilson: First Temple; Solomon; Ark moved to Temple; Dedication; Thick Cloud; Plundered numerous times; Babylonian Destruction 586BC; Deportation; King Cyrus permits return; 538BC Hebrews Return to Rebuild the Temple; Ezra & Nehemiah; 2nd Temple; Temple Location; Mount Moriah; Temple Practice, Feasts, Pilgrimages; Temple Priests, Temple Politics; Temple is not a Synagogue; Destroyed in 70AD by Romans; Temple Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism; Today's Temple mount is covered by the Islamic Dome of the Rock, The only remain structure is the Western Wall also known as the Wailing Wall.
55 Theology of the Passion - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: This PP has content on Last Supper, Gethsemane, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Given Authority, Commissions; Appearances, and Ascension; A parallel / typology of Ester to Jesus; Calendar clarification for dates; What happened in Gethsemane; Glory theology Jn 17; Clarification of 6 separate Trials; Scourging; Barabbas; Procession to Golgotha; Crucifixion Cross; 7 Utterances for the Cross; Death; Tomb; Resurrection - women knew first, then men; Jesus' multiple post-resurrection manifestations; Multiple Commissions to followers in Mt, Mk, Lk; All authority in heaven and on Earth;
54 Introduction to reading Luke - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Background on the author -Luke; NOT a disciple of Jesus but friend of Paul; Written to Theophilus; Key people; Key places; Luke never met or know Jesus; Luke's book is based on his interviews with people who knew Jesus.
53 Introduction to reading Revelation - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Authorship; Dating influences interpretation; First - read without interpreting; Apocalyptic Genre; Four historical ways to read and interpret - 1.Idealistically 2.Historically 3.Futuristically 4.Preteristically; Millennial Views; Goal is to simply read consume the book.
52 AG23 2021 Fall Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussion from sessions 41 - 52.
51 Salvation, Glorification Views - Rick Ligthart: Historical Salvation Options:
1. God? Augustinianism; 2. Man? Pelagianism 3. Man + God? Semi-Pelagianism 4. Man + Church? Semi-Pelagianism 5. Universalism? NA; Augustine vs. Pelagius; Luther vs Erasmus; Calvin vs Arminius; Whitefield vs Wesley; Golden Chain Rm 8: 29 - 30: 1. For-knew, 2. Predestined, 3. Called, 4. Justified. Glorified; Jn 17: 1-5 Understanding Glory / Glorification; Tit 2: 13 - the glory appears;
50 Salvation, Sanctification Views - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: 6 Historic Sanctification Views: 1.Wesleyan 2.Reformed 3.Pentecostal 4.Keswick 5.Augustinian / Dispensational 6.Roman / Orthodox / Liturgy; Various translation word study on "obey" and "keep" Jn 14: 15 and Jn 15: 10;
49 Salvation Battle: Meaning of TULIP - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Compares the 5 points of Calvinism with 5 point of Arminianism - details of each point; Jesus' purpose in his own words Lk 4: 42 - 43; Born Again to see the Kingdom of God Jn 3: 1-6; TULIP / Calvinism: T Total Depravity, U Unconditional Election, L Limited Atonement, I Irresistible Grace, P Perseverance of the Saints. Five points of Arminianism: 1. Free Will, 2. Conditional Election 3. Unlimited Atonement 4. Obstruct-able Grace 5. Falling from Grace.
48 Soteriology / Salvation Historical Battles and Soldiers - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: People and Churches throughout history who have fought the Salvation War: Augustine vs Pelagius (c 400s), Luther vs Erasmus (c 1500s), Calvin vs Arminius (c 1550s), Whitefield vs Wesley (c 1750s), Calvinism vs Arminianism (now), Sovereignty vs Free Will (now), Monergism vs Synergism (now); Sovereignty vs Free Will; Boat, Sea, Drown, Jesus, Analogy; Four Views of God's Sovereignty; Predestination;
47 Differing Historical Methods of Soteriology (Salvation), Key Terms - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Clarification of Soteriology Terms, Salvation Types, Theological Types: Liberation, Existential, Secular, Roman Catholic / Orthodox, Protestant, Evangelical, Denominational; Subjective and Objective Soteriology; 4 Different historical Teachings: 1. Augustinianism / Calvinism – All God
2. Pelagianism / Arminianism - All Man; 3. Semi-Pelagianism / Both And - God + Man; 4. Universalism – everybody, no judgement; Imputed vs Infused Righteousness. Saved from, to, through, for; Salvation Ladder: Justification, Righteousness, Adoption, Regeneration, Sanctification, Perseverance, Glorification. Various historical views on the order of salvation. Out of the Wesley vs Whitfield differences came the phrase - "agree to disagree" when no resolution became possible.
46 Introduction to the Soteriology Battle - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Salvation Varieties: Liberation, Existential, Secular, Roman Catholic, Evangelical; Saved: From, To, Through, For; Process: Justification, Imputed (vs Infused) Righteousness, Adoption, Regeneration, Sanctification, Perseverance, Glorification; Historical church views;
45 Demons & Spirits in Biblical Theology - Dr. John Walton, PhD OT Professor Emeritus: Methodology, not Phenomenology; Taxonomy of Demon Spirits Contrasting Mesopotamia / OT / NT; Gn 3; Gn 6: 1-3; Dt 32; Jb 1-2; Ps 82; Is 14; Dn 10; Conflict Theology; God reigns over Demons & Spirits;
44 Introduction to Demons & Spirits in Biblical Theology, Dr. John Walton - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Overview of Dr. Walton's book, Chapter by Chapter highlights.
43 God's Purpose for Hell and Christian Reconciliation - Dr. Rob Pike, PhD: Defining Christian Reconciliation; Punishment must fit the crime; Every knee; Every Tongue; Nebuchadnezzar's Restoration; Mistranslated Hell; Insight from Josephus; Term Definitions; Various Bible Translation Inaccuracies; Meaning of Torment; Clement, Origen, Jerome - Christian Reconciliation; Augustine - Eternal Torment; Tale of Two Babies in the Womb; Christian Reconciliation is neither Universalism nor Purgatorial.
42 Introduction to God's Purpose for Hell, Dr. Rob Pike - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: : Overview of Dr. Pikes book, Chapter by Chapter highlights. Hebrew - Sheol, Greek - Hades, Gehenna, Tartarus: - English translated as “Hell”; From where did the idea of "eternal torment" come. God never over-punishes; The influences of the Lutheran (Augsburg) and Presbyterian (Westminster) confessions; Valley of Hinnom; Annihilation-ism; Age vs World; Age Abiding; Contextual meaning of "every knee"; Vengeance vs Correction.
41 Critically and Biblically Thinking - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Antidotes for irrationality; Loving God first with our minds and then with our actions; Why people with beliefs seldom think or are incapable of change or repenting. Eastern Meditation "Empties" Biblical Meditation "Fills"; The Attack of Thinking; God wants humanity, his created to think; Pursuit of knowledge is not Gnostic heresy; To Understand is not necessarily Accepting or Believing;
40 AG23, 2022 Spring Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussions from sessions 29 - 40.
39 Covenant, Weddings, and Marriages - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton:=: Conditional / Unconditional Covenants; One who Offers and One who Accepts; a “cut” covenant; Key Biblical Covenants; Circumcision; Covenant Theology; Human to Human Covenants / Promises / Contracts / Agreements / Spoken / Written; Vow and Oaths explained; Covenant of Works / Covenant of Redemption / Covenant of Grace; the Marriage Covenant; Vows and Oaths explained; Oath/Horizontal & Vows/Vertical; God hears Oaths; Witnesses to a Covenant – responsibilities; State and Church Certificates of death, marriage, annulment; Clarification sex in the body vs sex in flesh;
38 Emotional Intelligence in the Bible - Dr. Ron Wellman, PhD: God’s sovereignty vs Human emotions; Emotional Intelligence explained, Emotions that overpower Intelligence, Be aware of the other person’s emotions, Fearing the Lord and knowledge, The high cost of emotional labor individual and corporate for Christians with weak faith, Cognitive Dissonance is not harmful, when CD confronts core learned beliefs, Monkeys / Bananas Experiment – teaching to believe falsehoods. Emotional Contagion;
37 Clarity on the many names of Israel - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: People of Israel, Metaphorical Israel, Boundaries of Israel, Kingdom of Israel, Kingdoms of Israel, Nation of Israel Past, Nation of Israel Present, Ethnic Israel, Israelis; Who is Israel? Palestine, 1948; Faith of Abraham; Why Jacob’s name changed to Israel; Tree Analogy – Two trees Dispensation Theology; Two Trees Replacement Theology; One tree – Only one true Israel; Abraham’s offspring by Faith;
36 Loving the Wrath of God - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Where does God’s wrath come from? Why does God’s wrath come? How does God’s wrath come? When does God’s wrath come? Why does God’s wrath “come down” from “clouds?” Metaphors; Mt 24:30 Exegesis “they will see the son of man me coming on the clouds of heaven” Expiation and Propitiation; hilosmon; stopping our sins from reaching God and stopping God’s wrath from reaching us; Mercy Seat’s top and bottom. Jesus satisfied both our sin and God’s wrath; from hating
35 The Immanuel Process and Healing - Andy Ross LCPC: Immanuel – God with us, the presence and awareness of God, Level 1 – Attachment Center, Level 2 – Guard Shack Level 3 – Joy Center, Level 4 – Identity Center, Level 5 – Conscious Thought; When Memories Remain Unprocessed; Immanuel and Healing; Applied Counseling;
34 Holistic Faith-Based Mental Health II - Dr. Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: Spirit and Soul and Healing; Transformation; Thought Life; Understanding the Wounded Heart; Ploys of evil and Healing; Spiritual Warfare and Healing; Satan, World, Flesh and Healing; Listening Prayer; Introduction to Immanuel Healing; Toxic Relationships & Healing; Community & Healing; Faith & Healing
33 Holistic Faith-Based Mental Health I - Dr. Brian Oswald, PhD, MA: Body, Brain, Mental Health Statistics; Link between exercise and depression; Stress and Nutrition; Brain Anatomy: Left – cognition; Right – Experiential; Epi-genetics; Trauma Treatment; Mental/Mind; Therapies
32 The Lost World of Genesis by Dr. John Walton, Discussion - Rick Ligthart , MA Wheaton: See 31.
31 The Lost World of Genesis - Dr. John Walton, PhD Professor Emeritus: Cultural Rivers, Modern vs Ancient; Hebrew “bara” created; Meaning of “formless and empty”; Order / Non-Order / Disorder; House vs Home; Stuff vs Function; Humans are to bring ORDER; Cosmos vs Sacred Space; 7 Days clarified; Archetypes Adam & Eve; Gn 2:7 Dust clarified; Woman for the side of man clarified; Suitable helper to bring order; Serpent is a chaos creature; Tree natures in Eden; Hard Conversations – Gender Roles;
30 Literary Devices - Kathy Wellman, MA: 7 Basic Literary Devises: Simile, Metaphor, Idiom, Personification, Euphemism, Hyperbole, Irony; Biblical vs Secular Examples, interpreting and literary devices; Genres;
29 Creation Views: Genesis Overview- Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: How to read Genesis; Blueprint of Genesis; Ancient Near East Cosmology; Material: What/When vs Function: Why/How; Ontology - What, When, Where; Teleology – Why, Purpose, Function, Functionaries; Saved "to" trumps saved "from"; Key People from Genesis; Preparing for Dr. John Walton; Near Eastern Thought vs Genesis; Analogy: House vs Home; Serpent; Adam & Eve; Sin happened when Accountability happened; Archetypes; Firmament/Heaven Gn 1: 7-8a;
28 AG23, 2021 Fall Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussion from sessions 16 – 28.
27 Hanukah, Kenosis, Incarnation - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Hanukah: Understanding the Maccabees Revolt; How Hanukah shaped the First Amendment; Post Alexander the Great - Ptolemy, Antigonus, Seleucids; Development of purgatory from 2 Maccabees of Apocrypha; Arch of Titus in Rome; Kenosis – What Jesus gave up in heaven to become incarnate: Glory;
26 From gods to God: Worship in Time and The Enduring Impact of Hellenism - Mike Weible, Specialists Philosophy: Pre-Biblical Cultures, Ancient Worship; Worshiping what is understood, Faith before Judaism/Hebrews; Hammurabi Code; Greek Philosophers: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle; Alexander the Great; Hellenism; Greek Culture influence on 1stC Israel; Stoicism, Epicurean-ism; Mankind can only worship given what they know at the time; Worship throughout time. Greek "iota" and Arius.
25 Image and Likeness of God- Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: What and Who is God; Exegetic Jn 4 “God is spirit”; clarifying Hebrew Image / Likeness; Hebrew ruach -breadth, wind; English word "pneumatic" means power to move something; Image and likeness Gn 1: 26 - 27; Why Murder is so offensive to God - man's forced removal of God's image- murder; Paul’s view of image and likeness; Intellectual, Relational, Rulers / Stewards.
24 Your Spirit vs The Holy Spirit - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton:: Clarify Historical View: Traducianism, Creationism, Reincarnation, Pre-existence; Augustine’s View; Where the soul resides; Contemporary: No Soul; Jn 3:16 and the soul; What you are vs Who you are: Tangible / Intangible Humanness; Indwelling; Taking away of the Holy Spirit Ps 51: 11; Body without the Spirit is dead Jm 2: 26; God is Spirit Jn 4: 24; Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - Mt 12: 31; Mk 3: 28-30; Lk 12: 10; Do not quench the Holy Spirit; 1 Th 5: 12 - 22; The Holy Spirit is not the Kingdom.
23 The Formation of Body, Soul and Spirit - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton:: Greek Words: Soul - psuche (psychology), Body – soma, sarx, Spirit -pneuma; Origin of the soul: Traducianism and Creationism; Hebrew Thought; When were / are the Body, Soul, and Spirit made. A study of the Origin of the Soul; Differentiation of Humans and Animals;
22 Angelology - Dr. Brian Oswald - Pending
21 Human Constitution: Understanding our Body, Soul, Spirit - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton:: Four Historic Views: Monism, Dichotomism, Trichotomism, Conditional Unity; Constitution - what is the composition of a human; Parts of being human.
20 The Threshing Floor, Mt. Moriah, Eastern Gate - Don Wilson, Specialist: Clarification on the location and history of the Temple Mount, Overlooked history of Islam / Judaism / Christianity; Eastern Gate; Angel of the Lord; Dome of the Rock; Near sacrifice of Isaac; Yom Kipper – Day of Atonement; Jesus passed through the Eastern Gate which faces Mt of Olive – Olivet Discourse.
19 Councils, Creeds, Confessions, Catechisms, Doctrines II - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Historical Development; Etymology of Greek “didactic”; defining doctrines; Sound vs Unsound Doctrine; Why Doctrines matter; Why churches won’t teach differences in doctrines; Biblical tests for discerning doctrine authenticity; Petrine and Pauline Doctrine, Dogma, Doctrine of Salvation: Augustine vs Pelagian vs Semi-Pelagian; Resolving Doctrinal Difference; Much of laity is Doctrinal illiterate; Articulation of Beliefs; Syncretism; Ecumenical-ism;
18 Councils, Creeds, Confessions, Catechisms, Doctrines I - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Historical Development of the Magisterial; Faith vs Religion vs Church; Sunday School; Church Statements of Faith; Personal Statements of Faith; Jesus’s spoken purpose Lk 4:43 Kingdom of God; Kingdom of God then Salvation; Acts 15 – 1st Council to Address an issue; James’ Letter; Orthodoxy / Orthopraxy; Review Apostle’s Creed; Application then vs now; Changing Creeds;
17 Continuation-ism vs Cessation-ism - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Dissecting the Debate: Does God continue the miraculous or has God ceased the miraculous? Issues of tongues. Historical development. Church Views; Divisive topic;
16 Theophanies and Christophanies - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: The awareness of God’s presence; Seeing / awareness of Jesus’ presence, “blessed are those who have believed and not seen” Biblical examples of Theophanies and Christophanies; Do Theophanies and Christophanies happen today?
15 AG23, 2021 Spring Series Summary, Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and discussion of sessions 1 - 15.
14 Hamartiology and Ponerology IV - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Review and Discussion of Dr. Noe’s Content; Tower of Siloam - Repent while there is time; Summary of Noe's 10 points; Contrasting Sin vs Evil;
13 The Creation of Evil - Dr. John Noe': Without Sin or Evil Christianity has no Purpose; Who or What created Sin and Evil and When? 4 possibilities: Human Free Will or Satan / Demons or Pre-Creation Chaos or Mystery; In general Christian don't want to believe that God created Sin and Evil for a Purpose; Sovereignty of God; Hebrew word "ra" for Evil from Gn 2:9 and 2: 17; When was Jesus slain? The Purpose of God's Will; The Necessity of Evil; The Purpose or Goodness of Evil; No Evil mention in Rv 21: 4; Evil continues Rv 22: 15; Unholy and Holy continue Rv 22: 11; Healing continues Rv 22: 2b; God's Purpose for Darkness.
12 Hamartiology and Ponerology III - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Going from Hamartiology to Ponerology - Sin to Evil; When Sinners become Evil, A Reprobate mind of a sinner given up by God Rm 1: 14 - 32; Command to Avoid Reprobates 2 Tm 3: 1-9; The defiled and unbelieving have minds and consciences that are defiled Tit 1: 15 - 16; In depth explanation of 7 Step Process out of sin and evil. Introduction to Hell.
11 Hamartiology and Ponerology II - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Man's battle against Sin and Evil; Morality vs Character, Laws - Civil, Ceremonial, Moral; Judging Mt 7: 1-2; Why Jesus taught his followers to judge - people watched to learn if those who judged, judged righteously or with mercy. Judging is less about the judgment and more about the judges. Sin and Death, Consequences. Temptation: World, Flesh, the Evil one, Sin and Evil's effect of humans and humanity; Guilt, Punishment, Death, Divine Disfavor; Effects on the Sinner; A Biblical 7 Step process out of Sin and Evil: Acknowledgment, Confess, Repent, Restitution, Forgiveness, Restoration, Reconciliation.
10 Hamartiology and Ponerology I - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Sin and Evil, Sin Types, Greater and Lesser Sins, Greek words for Sin, Examples of Key Biblical Sinners; Greek words for Evil, Political Evil, Church/Ecclesial Evil, Christian Wars, Historical Persecution of Anabaptists by Catholics/Lutherans, Execution of Bible Translators - Wycliffe and Tyndale; 30 Years’ War, Inquisition, Christians killing Christians; Peace of Westphalia’s importance; (PP 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are steeped in explaining Hamartiology – Sin and Ponerology – Evil)
9 Christian History of the Communion Table - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton:: 4 Views: Transubstantiation (RC), Consubstantiation (Lutheran), Spiritual Presence (Presbyterian), Memorialize (Baptist / Nondenominational); Church traditions/variants, Why and how the views are different; Should you communion in a church where you do not agree with the church’s doctrine of Communion? What are you conveying when you commune?
8 The Sea of Galilee: A Study of Peter and Fishing Profession - Dan Keating, MA Wheaton:The Sea of Galilee: Fish Varieties, Fishing Boat Structures, Fishing Methods, Fishing Business, Fish Markets in Jerusalem, Scripture Fishermen: Peter, Andrew, James, John - parents Zebedee and Mary;
7 Book of Hebrews to Book of Jude: Jews and Pagans becoming Christians, an affront the Temple Judaism – Rick Ligthart: Who wrote Hebrews? Faith Maturation - 7 Elementary Doctrines to leave behind (Hb 5:11 - 6:3); James – slow to speak slow to anger, prayer of the righteous, clarification of “anti-Christ”
6 Overview of Paul, Paul’s Letters and Paul's Theology - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Paul’s life, travels, letters, theology, Hebrew of Hebrews; Pharisee, Church Persecutor Ph 3:5; His life as a member of the Sanhedrin (Council); His personal life – Never married or Widowed or Divorced? Pre and Post Damascus Road Experience; Mission Journeys; Thorn in the Flesh – meaning; Priscilla and Aquila – Tent-makers; Nazarite Vow- Why mention Paul’s hair cut (Acts 18: 18) From Saul to Paul;
5 Word Study: "Gospels" the 4 and 9 Gospels for Clarity - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Overview of books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John; listing of the 9 “gospel of” in the NT; Which of the 9 gospels are you teaching or preaching? Kingdom (Mt 4: 23; 9: 35; 4: 14) Jesus Christ (Mk 1: 1) God (Mk 1: 14) His Son (Rm 1: 9) Christ (Rm 15: 19; 1 Co 9: 12; 2 Co 2: 12; 9: 1) Glory of Christ (2 Co 4: 4) Your salvation (Ep 1: 3) Our Lord Jesus (2 Th 1: 8) Glory of the blessed God (1 Ti 1: 11); Words having suffixes: oligies, ics, isms, and tions; 3 theologies seldom found in sermons or church teachings: Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology;
4 Welcome to 1st Century Jerusalem: Cultures, Sects, Languages, Greek Influences, Roman Methods - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Early “Messianic” Judaism, what makes Jews different from Christians, 4 languages” Hebrew, Greek Aramaic, Roman/Latin, Christ – Title meaning Messiah, not name; Aristotle, Plato, Socrates – Influence of Greek Philosophies on early first Century Judaism;
3 Judaism up to Christianity: Temple History, Temple Destruction 70AD - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Sects at the time of Jesus, Monotheism, Chosen People, Holy, Torah as Law; Kosher, Tabernacle, Temple, Synagogue, Ark of the Covenant, Contents of the Ark; Babylon; Cyrus; First Temple; Second Temple; 586BC, Alexander the Great’s Greek Influence of Jewish Culture
2 Introduction to Judaism: Hebrew Culture, Intertestamental Judaism, NT Judaism, Contemporary Judaism - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: Jewish History, Tabernacle, Temple Judaism, Temple Destruction 586m Temple Destruction AD 70, Rabbinic Judaism, Hebrews as a nation; Hebrew as a language, Traditions, Festivals, Hebrews to Jews; NT Sects: Essene, Pharisees, Sadducee, Zealots; Contemporary Judaism; Messianic Jews; What is the Western Wall and why? Temple Mount in Historical context; Mishnah, Talmud, Gemara, Torah; Religious, Civil, and Moral Laws; Uniqueness of Judaism and Christianity compared to other religions;
1 All About the Bible: Bible Translation Philosophies - Rick Ligthart, MA Wheaton: 12 key Eras to understanding the Bible, Books, Genres, Context, Geography, Land, Translation Philosophies, Canonization; Not all Bibles are equal meaning different Churches and different Denominations have different Bibles / Bible translations; Apocrypha; Translation Variances; Textual Criticism; Interpretation; Exegesis; Hermeneutics;
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